About Us

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Class History
Who's Who
As Others see Us
Class Will
Class Prophecy


This is "About Us"

When we look back to our young, energetic, aspiring and enterprising days of 1958 and 1959, our senior year at Msgr. Prevost High School, we see what would transform us into the people we have become. Defined by the paths we have chosen or happened upon, we surged forward forming our lives, our ideas, our loves, our families, our friends, and our careers.

In this section "About Us", we remember a little of who we were then in the '50s, one of the great formation periods of our life and also our country. How fortunate we were to have Prevost High School and the dedicated Brothers of Christian Instruction to teach us the way, to instill in us what we would use for the rest of our lives.

The "Class History"  is a thumbnail description of our four years within those hallowed walls that no longer stand.

The "Who's Who" page, a quick description of each one of us as seen by our classmates.

The "As Others See Us" page, what defined us in a number of ways as teenagers with likes, dislikes and direction.

The "Class Will", we had to pass on all those good things to the future seniors what we accumulated in those four years at Prevost.

The "Class Prophecy", an amusing rendition and sort of scary story, of a look at our classmates in the future. Well it was the future at that time, but now, it is well in the past. That's scary too!

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